Thursday, October 30, 2014

Photo Dynamic

And to go with my previous mishmash of thoughts post, here is a mishmash of pictures post!  There's not a whole lot to say about any of these pictures, and they don't need their whole post (unlike, say, when we pick apples!), so I'm throwing them all together here for you.  Aren't we a fun bunch?

Kendra swinging at the park

Taking the kids out for ice cream

It's so rare for a bath time picture to not be showing a little too much-- props to Craig for snapping this modest AND adorable picture!

Poor Colton managed to scrape his nose on the pavement.  This was one of the downs of my rollercoaster week...
Kendra spiked a fever one Sunday afternoon,which necessitated napping with Daddy.  Craig is always so cozy!

Ryder came home from primary with this very politically correct Native American headdress.  I have no idea why...

He also got these glasses as a party favor and wore them all the time.  What a crack-up!

Ryder at a party with his friend Nora.  They always manage to look like they're on the best date EVER.  I think they're gonna get married some day...

When we set up the bedroom for Uncle Ian, Ryder was so thrilled by it all he put ALL his stuffed animals on the bed and rolled around in them.  Welcome to our house, Ian!

One night, Colton basically ate ketchup for dinner.  Yum...

Another day at the park

Bentley lost another tooth!
My little fashionista!
The chickens would like to come inside.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I love all these (and your captions :)