Saturday, March 12, 2016

I'm Famous!

Just kidding, I'm not famous.  (Nor do I think I ever will be, nor do I actually want to be.  But that's a post for a whole 'nother day.)

But I did get to be interviewed for the podcast Cocoon!  My sister Natalie is friends with the two women who created it and knowing that I'm a birth junkie (the catchphrase for their podcast is, "stories of gestation"), Natalie recommended I give it a listen.  While I was at it, I shot them an email briefly describing my gamut of birth experiences if they were interested in talking with me.  And they were!

We spent an hour skyping back in January, and they edited the whole thing to what you get here.  I think they did a great job of making all my stories seem cohesive (and making me NOT sound like a blabbering idiot), so I'm very grateful for the hard work they put into this.

Check it out!


Jen Evans said...

I'm one minute in and I'm already loving it. "Invaluable friend" is how I would describe you.

Jen Evans said...

I have always enjoyed hearing your birth stories and now that we are so far apart I'm happy to have a record of the tales of strength and courage and Alanna-ness that you possess. Have a million more babies.