Thursday, February 9, 2017

Happy Birthday, Camille!

She's been acting like it for a while now, but today is the day that Camille officially turns TWO. 

Pretending to sleep is one of their favorite pastimes
This girl.  She's so spunky.  She's so funny.  She can be so fun, but if you cross her-- watch out.  She will not put up with any crap from anyone.

I'm not sure what this game was, but it made me laugh

She is so loved by her siblings, a fact that makes me happier than just about anything else.

Her hair floats around her head like a wild cloud, and there doesn't seem to be much within my power to tame it.  She bosses Colton around and picks fights with him and loves him so much-- they are best friends and worst enemies all the time.

Waiting for the bus on a cold day

She got Bentley to wrap her up all snug

She pops out of her crib in the morning exclaiming, "Iiiiit's morning!" And if I tell her it's nap time, she argues with me by insisting, "Iiiiiiiit's morning!"

Dressed up as Buzz Lightyear

She likes to ask for something and then change her mind, saying, "Ackshwee, no no no..."

Wearing Kendra's soccer medallion.  Because, why not?

Who could have guessed that she was exactly what our family needed?

Sleeping deeply

I love my little Cami-P so very much.  What a wonderful two years it's been!

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