Wednesday, February 8, 2017


I was driving around with the radio on a few weeks ago when the DJ announced that up next was "Cake by the Ocean."  I thought she meant, a song by the group Cake called "By the Ocean" and since I like Cake, I was excited to hear it.  But as soon as the vocals began, it was clear that this was not Cake (that guy has such a gravelly voice you can barely call it singing).  So then I thought maybe it was a song called "Cake" by a group called "The Ocean."  Because that would have made sense, too.

It was at least halfway through the song before I realized the song itself was called "Cake by the Ocean."  Punctuation-- it will get you every time, I'm telling you!

Anyway, it's a catchy song and now I seem to hear it all the time, which is fine, since I like it.  But I told Craig that I wasn't sure eating cake by the ocean was a good idea since you'd get sand everywhere.  Craig said that he'd heard that "cake" was supposed to be a euphemism for sex.  Isn't everything, these days?

But I'm pretty sure either way, the sand would be a problem.

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