Thursday, July 27, 2017

Le Reunion

So I said that I was also going to my high school reunion on our way out.  Since I like to be chronological, I'll start with that.

We got to my parents' empty house late-- around 11pm, which is 2am east coast time.  (My parents are on a mission in Hawaii, and my sister Tracy is watching their home for them, except when she gets called away on what can only be described as Extreme Babysitting Assignments.)  We ate a salad we'd picked up at the grocery store and pretty much went straight to bed.

I woke up early excited for my reunion.  I showered and slathered on as much mascara as possible.  My hair cooperated and looked as good as it had in weeks, so that was promising.  I had arranged to meet up with some friends (and their spouses) at the Streamliner Diner for breakfast, but then Tracy pointed out that getting a table for 8 people on a Saturday morning would be next to impossible.  Fortunately, my friend Charlotte was super nice and went really early to get our names on the list.  I think she waited for an hour.

Meanwhile, I was all ready to go and wanting to see my friends, but Craig was still sleeping.  I was torn between wanting to be nice to him and wanting to get going.  I stalled as long as my patience could manage before prodding him out of bed (what a way to start your first day of vacation!).  Meeting up with my friends was SO FUN.  And meeting their spouses (some for the first time!) was delightful.  And, of course, the food was fabulous.  Naturally, we didn't take any pictures.  I don't know what is wrong with me...

Next was the first part of the actual reunion, where I got to see one of my favorite teachers and a whole lot of random people.  Most of the people there I knew and recognized, but couldn't remember ever speaking to.  Or if I did, it's because we were friends in elementary school, but never after that.  How does that happen?  Growing up is such a weird experience!!!!!  But I still found friends to chat with, and even a girl I'd thought of as my nemesis who was super fun to catch up with-- surprise!  So that was cool.

And it was the only place where we actually took a picture:
Me, Elizabeth, and Charlotte (all dutifully wearing our name badges!)

By then I was exhausted, so we headed back to the house and took a nap!  Because we could!  Because there was no one around to tell us not to!
My Mom's roses, which Craig so helpfully watered for her

After napping, Craig and I went to the park near my house where there was enough of a signal to facetime with the kids for a few minutes.  Then we went to dinner at my favorite Thai food restaurant, and learned that it's better to eat Thai with a whole crowd of people so you get to sample more dishes!  Instead, we just ordered WAY too much food for two people.

Next was the other half of the reunion, which was also super fun, but with more people I knew but never managed to say Hi to.  Go figure.  But I sure enjoyed spending more time talking with friends.  We ducked out a bit early hoping to grab ice cream from Mora, but they closed early, so that was really sad (I felt so bad for Craig, who'd been such a good sport about the whole day and then didn't get the ice cream he'd been looking forward to!).

Looking at facebook a few days later, I saw that they'd taken group photos at both reunion events and I'd missed them both!  Which was especially lame since I'd missed the big class photo back when I was IN high school (I'd been out of town).  {Sigh.}  But I guess if that's the worst thing that's ever happened to me, then I've led an easy life.

Instead of ice cream, Craig and I went and sat in my parents' hot tub for a bit and enjoyed the peace and quiet of the woods.  We went to bed late, again, and I woke up early, again.  This time I woke up because I was excited to see Natalie!  Once again I puttered around trying not to let myself wake Craig up too early, but eager to get going.  Eventually we headed out the door and drove to Natalie's place, where we got to hang out until it was time for church.  After church we had a quick dinner (bless Natalie for feeding us-- we thought we'd have to eat airport food!) and then Natalie dropped us off at Sea-Tac.

On our way out, we flew right over Bainbridge Island and I got the best aerial view of it I've ever had.  I snapped this picture a bit late, I was so entranced.
That's my island!!!
We also were heading west during the sunset, so we got to enjoy that lasting a good long time.  This picture doesn't do it justice-- it was gorgeous.  It almost made up for the big jerk sitting in front of me who had his seat leaning back the entire flight, and kept trying to shove it further into my knees...
Pretty sunset!

I'd been really nervous about the reunion-- I was kind of relieved to have it all over and feel happy about it.  Now I could relax and just enjoy Hawaii!

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