Friday, October 6, 2017

Weird Coincidences

These are not earth-shattering, or even all that interesting, but they amuse me.

First of all, as most of my readers are probably aware, the BYU mascot is a cougar.  When Craig got his first job teaching at Manassas Park, their mascot was also the cougars.  That was fun, but not a huge deal-- cougars are fairly popular as far as mascots run.  But then, when he got his master's from George Mason University, their mascot was the patriots.  And now he's at Albemarle High School where the mascot is also the patriots.  What are the odds?  (And H/T to Kendra who pointed this out to us!)

And then there are people's names in my neighborhood.  Our community is called Foxcroft, and I think I remember Craig telling me that there were about 125 houses in the neighborhood.  So obviously, it's not shocking that you'll run into some repeat names.  The fact that there are two dads both named Dave on our street does not surprise me at all.  And the two Mackenzies living next to each other are also not shocking.

But I now know of FOUR women named Molly.  One is a middle-aged single woman who lives across the street of me.  Another is a teenager who lives two doors down.  And two are mothers of Ryder's classmates (and the classmates have different first and last names, so I don't think their mom is actually the same person or anything)...  What are the odds?  Where was I when Molly became such a popular name?

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