Saturday, February 29, 2020

And February Birthdays!

Kendra and Camille both have February birthdays, so they are now 12 and 5, respectively. Naturally, much celebrating occurred!

Any ideas I may have had about dieting always get thrown out the window here...  I end up making a cake for the actual birthday day, plus some sort of treat for their birthday party with friends, and then we end up getting doughnuts when we celebrate with Grandma and Grandpa!  So, yes, February is a FAT month!  But we've had a lot of fun!!!

Camille on her actual day

Why bother being a Tiger Mom if you can have a Tiger Daughter?

And her party with Scarlett and Quinn (Sydney was also supposed to come, but then was sick)

Eating out at Five Guys with grandparents and wearing hoods without coats!  As one does...

Opening presents from Grandma and Grandpa

Her favorite gift-- gotta love stuffed animals with sequins!

And Kendra got this fabulous sweatshirt!

Birthday doughnuts!

And Kendra's actual birthday!  Since Craig had a busy day, we let her open her presents first thing in the morning...

And for her party with friends, she asked for cookies instead of a cake...

I just picked Kendra's friends up from school, so our van was quite the party vehicle!  It's fun when we get it filled up like that!

Happy birthday to my beautiful girls!!!  

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