Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Merry-Go-Around Doesn't Stop

Things have been nuts around here.  Sunday was Camille's birthday, and her party is this afternoon (I need to make a cake!).  Kendra's birthday and party are next week.  I will definitely be posting lots of pictures soon.

But the really big news around here is that on Sunday, Craig was called as the bishop of our congregation.

{Big sigh.}

So he's going to be insanely busy for the next... five years?  And I will be doing the usual mom's job of trying to pick up all the rest of the pieces.

We found out about this new calling nearly a month ago, and last week on Tuesday we rushed out to the Raleigh temple so we could gain a little peace of mind ahead of it all.  That was wonderful, but we'd already planned to go to the Philadelphia temple the following Saturday with our friends the Atkinsons so Kendra could get a chance to do baptisms there.  So that was a lot of driving for one week!  And MUCH thanks go to Craig's parents for doing a TON of babysitting for us so we could do all of this!  (I guess they're picking up the pieces that I'm not managing!). As insane as it all has been, it's been really wonderful to feel the spirit so much, too.  And it was nice to have a good long ride in the car where Craig and I could talk without any interruptions (or me whining that I'm too tired and can we talk about it tomorrow!).  And all this has me even more excited for the Richmond temple to be built.  AND, it also gave me lots of opportunity to force Craig to listen to Six the Musical!  An overall win!

Bentley and Kendra with their buddies Lily and Spencer

So now Craig is sustained and set apart and we keep looking at each blankly and asking, "Now what?"  It's like watching the ocean suddenly get all sucked out with the tide and knowing a tsunami is coming, but you probably don't have time to actually run away so you're just sort of staring wondering how it will feel when it all hits.  Kind of?

Bishop Smith.  My husband is now going to be called Bishop Smith...

P.S. The title of this post is a shameless steal from Grey's Anatomy.  I can't be original all the time, okay?

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