Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Miscellaneous Pictures!

And, as I often do, here are the pictures that didn't make it onto other posts, but that I still want to share with you:

My amazing brother-in-law Brian sent Bentley one of his old cameras.  There was much squealing in delight!

We got home from Texas the day that our neighborhood pool finally opened!!!  We were SO HAPPY!!!  Because of corona, no one had been sure what would happen with the pool, but I was quite certain that without it, we would die.  As it was, the HOA decided to put some limits on how many people could be there at one time (not usually much of an issue) and isn't allowing people to use the grill.  And they have a bunch of cleaning products so you can spray down your chairs and table when you leave.  Nothing I can't handle!

Camille with the neighborhood girls at the pool (l-r: Scarlett, Sydney, Beth, Camille)

{Face palm}

More pool time (Camille's mouth is full of goldfish crackers here, hence the wacky smile)

So we've been spending LOTS of time at the pool.  And it's so fun-- the kids are good enough in the water that I can actually enjoy taking them all without having to freak out the whole time, so that's been a lovely perk to kids growing up!

Meanwhile, since we couldn't grill at the pool any more, we decided it was finally time to buy a grill for our (lovely new) deck:
I can't WAIT to make Craig do more of the cooking!

We're still having Zoom church, so that's pretty much the only time I ever put on mascara or lipstick:
Taking selfies after church

This is super grainy, but here we have it looking like Bentley is holding up the full moon!

Craig was messing around making me look old (but not him!) in this picture and...  I look like my Mom!  AWESOME!  I should be so lucky!

Oreo enjoys some moments of freedom while her cage is being cleaned

Here's my super cute mask!  Special thanks to whoever in the ward made this!!! 

Who doesn't enjoy wearing boxes on their feet?

Ryder continues to crack me up

A friend was giving away this toy kitchen, so I went and picked it up.  Lucky for me, her husband helped me load it into the car, because it was WAY too heavy for me to just lift!  Then I got home and had to leave it in the van until Craig could help get it out.  But the kids couldn't wait that long to play with it, so here they are!

A friend from grad school visited my island and sent me this fantastic picture of Frog Rock!

First time using "portrait mode" on my new camera!

More messing around with my phone: Creepy Craig!

Bentley looks wary...  Probably of his father!
Scarlett (from the pool picture) taught Colton and Camille how to make masks out of their socks.  They now have very few socks left that they can wear on their feet...

Ryder is getting more and more self-sufficient.  Here he is making ramen for himself!

And finally, let's end on this terrifying shot that Bentley and Craig staged:

Uh, sweet dreams?

1 comment:

Patrice said...

I loved all the photos in the last several blogs!! Everyone looking so cute and growing up so quickly! I'm so glad you could travel and now can sim! Thanks for liking resembling me when aged!! Loved the last photo-EEEEK! 😱