Friday, June 5, 2020

COVID Camping

Obviously, the annual Father Son Campout was canceled this year.  But the boys were desperate to get to go camping, so Craig finally called up Brother Snow (whose farm is where the campout usually takes place) and asked if he could just come and set up a tent with his boys.  Br. Snow was delighted and even mowed the field for them before they came!

So they had their night of sleeping in a tent and roasting hotdogs and s'mores:

As soon as they were all set up, they all sacked out on their sleeping bags, happy as clams.  Funny boys!  (This may be the most space they've EVER had in a tent!)

Can you see all the dirt on his face here???  I guess this is what camping is all about.  Also, knowing Colton, I'd be willing to bet that there is ketchup in that hotdog bun, but no hotdog.  Funny kid!


It doesn't get a whole lot more picturesque than that!

Meanwhile, the girls and I watched Mulan and then once Camille was in bed, Kendra and I made Oreo Brownies and watched Moulin Rouge (I edited out a tiny bit).  So we had a great time, too!

Now the girls are asking when it's THEIR turn for Daddy to take them camping!

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