Tuesday, August 11, 2020


There was one summer, I think before I started middle school, when my best friend at the time and I decided it would be a hilarious joke to show up on the first day of school wearing makeup and super girly clothes and look nothing like what we actually looked like (which was a couple scrubs who didn't care what we looked like and had no idea how to wear makeup).  When I told my Mom about this hysterical plan, she expressed concern that maybe this wasn't the way I wanted to start out at a new school and gently tried to nudge me away from the idea.  Fortunately, before she had to try very hard, my friend changed her mind so it wasn't an issue.  Which was definitely for the best.  I have never regretted the decision to show up for school looking like myself.

Along those lines, I feel like there's a plot device in television shows where a bunch of girls all decide to band together for something-- like wearing comfortable clothes around boys, or not wearing heels to the prom or something?-- basically they're figuring that if they all lower the bar together, they'll all be happier and boys will get used to them looking like themselves.  But.  It always backfires because as soon as just one girl breaks the rule, giving herself a chance to outshine all those other girls who now look drab and boring compared to her, then they all run back to their makeup and uncomfortable-but-fashionable clothes.  Anyway, I can't actually name a tv show where this happened as an example, but I'm pretty sure I didn't make that up.  

So.  A couple weeks ago when I went hiking with a bunch of my friends, I was horrified to realize that a bunch of them had LOST WEIGHT since I last saw them.  I THOUGHT WE WERE ALL GETTING FAT DURING COVID!!!  

I feel like everyone lied to me and I've been the only one stuffing my face with ice cream all summer long.  Naturally, I resolved to change my ways and try to start moving my weight from the "gaining" to the "losing" side of the pendulum swing.  But then before I could get very far in that direction, we lost power for about 12 hours so obviously I had to eat all our ice cream because it was all melting!

But consider this blog post a warning to you: they're lying to us!  Not everyone is getting fat right now!!!

But if you do want to keep packing on the pounds, you've got a BFF in me.  😊

(But here are some more pictures from that hike-- I really did have a lovely time!)

Sunrise as we drive to the trailhead

Sunrise as we drive to the trailhead.  I love looking down on the fog!

Stopping for a quick breather about half way up? 
(YES, I always blink.  Also, I had no idea my shoes were actually quite that bright...)
l-r: Me, Cassidy, Marilyn, Kristen, Brittney

At the top of Humpback Rock!  It had a FANTASTIC view!
l-r: Brittney, Kristen, Marilyn, me, Kari


Patrice said...

Sounds like a lovely hike! the pictures are great! Who took the last photo??

Alanna said...

Cassidy took that one-- she's in the previous pic!