Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Rainy Saturday Wedding

On Saturday I finally got to work another wedding!  This one was... not as fun as the others have been.  Adam had warned me that there would be a lot of drama, and sure enough, when I arrived, he informed me that he had already managed to make the bride cry.  Twice.

Oh, my.

The problem (or at least, the biggest problem!) was the weather.  Even though we've had a lot of really lovely warm days, Saturday was NOT one of them.  It was cold and pouring rain.  And the bride was absolutely adamant that she did not want to get married under a tent.  She had gotten ponchos for all the guests and figured they should be happy with that.  It was left to Adam to try and convince her that, really, she needed the tent and that her guests would HATE her otherwise.  Fun!

But she finally agreed to it all and the tent was lovely and it was still very beautiful, even if it was very cold.  (I suspect the guests were warmed up somewhat by all the booze!)

I got to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get the seating chart ready.  It turns out that wax seals/stickers don't stick to fabric when it's so damp outside, so they kept falling off as we were trying to put them up!  It felt very Sisyphean.  After many different attempts, we finally figured out a system that worked, and then I got to watch as the guests (A) couldn't find their names (it's alphabetical by last name, people!) and then (B) couldn't pull them off the fabric.  I guess we were a little too successful!

Okay, so maybe I'm a bad person here, but I was a little surprised by this guy who insisted on wearing a trucker hat with his suit the entire wedding:

But other than sprinting to the bar after the ceremony, he was fine.  It was the groomsman on the left (Ponytail Guy) who ended up really causing problems and cussing out Adam for no good reason.  Having a really expensive wedding does not guarantee that you're classy, I'm afraid.

But really, despite the bride's tears, the tent was quite lovely!

I love how you can see the green hills all misty in the background!

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