Sunday, April 18, 2021

Round 1: Done.

I finally got my first Covid vaccine!  I had to drive down to Lynchburg to get it, but Adam came along with me, so that made it way more fun.  He'd gone to the same clinic the week before, so he was able to get me there without my usual I-don't-know-where-I'm-going panic setting in.  And the shot itself was as easy as 1-2-3!  In fact, it hurt WAY less than every flu shot I've ever gotten!  AND, that gave us the perfect excuse to stop by *Mrs. Joy's Bakery again!  And even better-- I'll have to do it again in a month!  Squeeee!!!!

The next day was hiking club, of course!  Nice to get back to it after a brief hiatus!  Since I'd done all that driving just the day before, I wanted to keep it close to home.  So we went back to Walnut Creek Park again.  I had a couple extra kids from the neighborhood this time, and somehow I let everyone choose the long trail, so we ended up doing 5.3 miles!  That was fine-- the weather was delightful, so why not?-- except we were supposed to meet someone at the playground in an hour!  😬  And we certainly are not fast hikers! 

Bentley is standing up hill from me!  He is NOT taller than me.  Yet.  And on the front row, l-r: Sydney, Camille, Ryder, Abel, Amos, Colton.  (Kendra had to do homework.  And as always, photo credit to Adam!)

Fortunately, my friend had a series of delays, too.  And the way it all turned out, we ended up arriving at the playground within 5 minutes of each other!  So it was all perfect!  I couldn't have made that work out so well if I'd actually legit tried!

My Mom asked me how I was feeling after the shot, and I told her I'd been weirdly tired that afternoon, but then I thought-- maybe it was the 5 mile hike, not the shot that did that! 😂  So, yeah, I guess I'm good!

*Ironically, I just started a food **re-set on Monday, so we went to the bakery, but I didn't actually eat anything from it.  I did buy myself a whoopie pie which I stuck in the freezer for later.  And because Adam has anaphylactic allergies to dairy, he canNOT eat anything there, although he did buy about five cinnamon rolls to give to other people.  We have CRAZY AWESOME willpower! 

**I like the idea of calling it a "reset" rather than a diet.  I've let myself slip into really unhealthy food habits, so I'm resetting by remembering how great REAL food is.  And cutting out all the stuff that tends to be addictive (ie, goldfish crackers and chocolate chips and the like).  More on this later if I'm bored enough to type it all up...  So I guess you've been warned! 


Erin said...

Yay for getting the vaccine! We just got Ryan and my brother-in-law their first appointments later this week. For the first few days after everyone 16+ became eligible to get it, the only appointments available were 90 minutes or more away. We decided there was no need to be *that* desperate - if we waited a couple weeks we assumed something closer would eventually be available. And tonight we found one just 40 minutes away, which feels totally reasonable around here.

I love reading about all your hikes! I've been wanting to get us out hiking around here for years but have been overwhelmed by all the options, so reading about all your hikes was definitely helpful in pushing me to just get us out and exploring more.

Craig said...

Yeah, my shot was 1 hour 15 minutes away, which was still WAY better than the shots that were 2.5 or 4 hours away that I know some people drove to get! But the bakery made it feel worth it! ;)

I've been enjoying reading about YOUR hikes, too! I'm not sure which state has better weather for it-- I think we have the more extreme temperatures, but you're *more* likely to have rain? (But Virginia actually gets more rain per year than Seattle, so even that's not necessarily true...). Either way, yay for the great outdoors!
