Sunday, June 6, 2021

End of May Rain

I finally took the kids to Humpback Rock (the hike that started it all!) for our weekly hike!  Unfortunately, it started raining right as we got to the summit!  So that was a bummer, especially since those already slightly scary rocks are much slicker once they're wet.  But the rain didn't last long, so Adam was still able to get lots of pictures for us!

You can see why these might be a little scary wet...

The kids were VERY EXCITED when they discovered this little guy!

This looks terrifying, but I promise, he wasn't as close to a cliff edge as it looks!

This explains the name Humpback Rock!

So this was a delightful hike!  The kids were so tough going uphill the whole way there!  I was so proud of them!

Meanwhile, Craig was having his own encounter with wildlife at work...

Can you see it?

How about now?
Yup, this poor terrified fawn wandered into his school!  So that was a fun job for animal control, who scooped him up like it was the easiest thing in the world and carried him back to the woods near the school (with a very nervous teacher instructing him to put the deer in the woods FURTHER from the road, thankyouverymuch!).
Such a little guy!

In other news, our pool opened!  Happy day!  And they decided we can bring guests again, so if you're in the neighborhood, let's sit by the pool together!!!
We had Kendra pulling along this little train of floaties...

And this just cracked me up...
And on Saturday, we went to Kings Dominion again.  You have to make reservations ahead of time, and so we couldn't plan for the weather and our luck was terrible.  It was about the first rain we've gotten all month, and it was COLD.  So that was not the best visit ever, but we still had fun!  (One of these days we're going to hit that park on a hot day and I'll probably die.  But right now that sounds so nice!!!)
We sat in the car waiting for the rain to let up, and finally Craig drove us all to Wal-Mart and bought ponchos.  That did the trick!  The only time it started raining again after that was when Craig tried to take his poncho off, naturally!

We're so glamourous!

Dinner break!

Camille pulls the best faces.

Seriously.  THE best faces!

They were nervous about this ride, but I knew they'd love it and they DID!  Victory!  So much of parenting is trying to know when to push your kids and when to leave them alone.  This time, I was glad I'd pushed...

I would just like to point out that my hair looks great here.  Pretty rare on a rainy day!

And finally, Craig gave Ryder a haircut!  He went from looking like this:
to this...
(Isn't Craig hilarious?)
And finally, this:
And now his hair is so fuzzy and fun to rub!

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Loved the pictures! Crazy deer! I am not hiking that rock wall even with my new knees!!!