Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Other Pre-Cruise Stuff

In the midst of all the birthday celebrations, Kendra also participated in the middle school's All District Band!  She had to audition and be accepted, then she spent an entire Saturday practicing with all these new bandmates and they had a concert that evening for parents, playing everything they'd learned that day!  It was very fun and I was super impressed!

Her teacher provided her with this crazy mask that splits open so you can play your instrument while masked!  Covid has given us some truly wild inventions...

Another thing that happened was that I interviewed for a job at my local library!  Adam insisted I buy a jacket thing to look professional, so we went shopping, which was definitely more fun than shopping by myself!
Unfortunately, I did not get the job.  So that was disappointing.  But the interview took up a lot of mental space in my head that week, so it's worth mentioning here, I suppose.  Since learning I didn't get it, I've signed up two kids to play baseball and a third to play tennis, so maybe it's for the best.  I'm not entirely sure how people have time for parenting AND jobs... 

My friend Kari and I were chatting at church when we realized we looked like twins!
We ordered snorkel gear for everyone before our trip, since it was cheaper to just buy ahead online than rent them (and this way we get to keep them, too)!  Camille decided to test hers out in the bathtub...

Colton is trying to get his hair to be as awesome as Craig's...

Colton and Camille got to go to Sydney's painting party

For reasons that I can't remember now, Craig and his boss were rollerblading at work!

Colton and Craig built a 13-story treehouse out of Legos...

Tom and Donna were getting rid of this couch, so we took it off their hands for them!  We moved our brown couch down to the basement, and gave our old blue sectional away on Nextdoor.  So much furniture rearranging!!!  Few things make me happier.

And finally, I came across this on Instagram, and its truth cannot be denied:

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