Sunday, February 20, 2022

Third Time's a Charm

Sorry I've been MIA on this here blog!  Things have been nuts-- Camille had a birthday, I've been running around trying to get all our ducks in a row so we could leave on our cruise (while also trying too hard to not get my hopes up that it would actually work this time), and then actually leaving and-- you know-- cruising!  Because we it did!  We actually made it to Florida, we got on the boat, and we had a wonderful time.  HUGE sigh of relief.  And now I'm back and I'm just itching to blog about everything, but first I really need to get my laundry under control (I've washed five loads, probably have two to go, but none of it's put away).  

But expect to see a LOT of pictures very soon!  So many pictures.

Leaving home!  My friend Adam was concerned that we'd forgotten a kid, but if you look closely...

There he is!  #nochildleftbehind 😂

1 comment:

Patrice said...

That’s hilarious!! So glad Colton was there!! 😂
Hooray that you got to cruise!!!