Friday, May 12, 2023

Another Thing Keeping Me Busy

A few weeks ago as we were about to go to bed, Craig asked if he could talk to me As My Bishop for a minute.  If that isn't enough to stop one cold in their tracks, I don't know what is.  Then he asked if I'd be willing to serve as the Young Women's president.  I pointed out a few of the reasons why this was probably a terrible idea, but he persisted.  I also explained that I'm a really good counsellor (the implication being that someone else could definitely do a better job as president), to which Craig just nodded and said, "I know.  Me, too."  That got me.  I guess if Craig can be uncomfortable as all get-out trying to be a good bishop (and he's a great bishop!) then I can try my best to be a decent YWs president.

But if I don't blog as often as I used to, now you'll know why.

I will say-- I got all the counsellors and advisors that I wanted.  That was nice.  And we have a really good group of girls with several more set to move in this summer, so that's also nice.  

A few days before I was sustained, Kendra happened to comment to me, "I always thought you'd be in young women's when I was there!  It's kind of lame that you're not!"  I got a good chuckle out of that and hoped she wouldn't regret that sentiment!

Craig and I were already asked to go on Trek with the youth as a Ma and Pa, so that didn't change anything.  I do have to add Girls Camp to my list of summer activities.  That will be exciting, I'm sure-- I have no idea how to camp without Craig...

But I don't really have any idea how to be the young women's president either, so I guess that's the theme for this summer!  😂 As one of my workout buddies reminded us-- "If you're not uncomfortable, you're not learning anything!"

Most of the girls for our first activity together

So here's to learning!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Good luck - I'm sure you'll do a great job! And have fun being in YW with Kendra!