Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So it turns out that teaching your 2-year-old to say “Trick or treat” is really fun. But it also makes for some confusing lessons for the poor kid. I first tackled this project right after Bentley woke up from his nap, which was a bad idea because he was still a bit tired and grumpy. I asked him to say it and he began kicking and screaming, “NO TIG OH TWEET!” I took that as a good sign that he could in fact say the words, even if he didn’t want to. After that, all I had to do was explain the candy aspect of this holiday to him and then he was game.

A little later in the day, I decided it was time to review the principles of Halloween. Our conversation went like this:

Me: Okay, Bentley, now when we knock on the door, what do we say?
Bentley: Aaaaahhh… Candy!
Me: Well, no, they’re going to give you candy, but what do you say so they’ll give you candy?
Bentley (very confident this time): PLEASE!
Me: Oh, well, no, that’s normally what we say, and that’s a good answer, but this time we’re going to say “Trick or treat.” Can you say, “Trick or treat”?
Bentley: TIG OH TWEET!

The good news is that he was excited enough about the idea of getting candy that I was able to convince him to wear the hood of his cow costume and ALSO to leave his teddy and binky back at home. Candy is a great motivator, apparently. The bad news is that the camera battery was dead, so I never bothered to take any pictures. Sorry to all Grandmas…

We also forgot to ever buy one of those little pumpkin buckets, so I improvised by drawing two jack-o-lantern faces on a small paint bucket we had lying around (one face on either side). They turned out pretty good, so I was sort of proud of that. I guess that also made up for the fact that we never carved a pumpkin this year, too. That was on the ironic side—last year, we bought a pumpkin but couldn’t find our carving kit. I think we spent hours digging through closets looking for that thing, but it never turned up until a few months later when I pulled out a bin filled with winter clothes and there it was, nestled among the scarves and gloves. So this year, with the move and the unpacking, I found the carving kit just a few weeks ago, and I was good and carefully set it aside so we’d be sure to have it this time. So naturally, when we went grocery shopping, the store had no pumpkins! (This may be a good time to mention that I shop at the most ghetto grocery store EVER.) I meant to run out to another store some time, but it just never happened. So no pumpkin this year. But I have a great carving kit if you want to borrow it. I know exactly where it is. Tig oh tweet!

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

I love the phonetic spelling for Bentley, that's awesome. I'm glad you had a fun night, though I'm sad not to get any pictures. Next year, everything will be perfect for getting the pumpkin carved. ;0)

Remember when Glen saved our Halloween because nowhere on the island had pumpkins???