Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fried Ramen

I've never bothered posting a recipe before, mostly because I'm not much of a cook. But this one is really good (albeit a bit strange) and I doubt many other people have ever tried it, so I thought I'd share.

Being me, I do have to explain it a little first. This recipe feels very Japanese, but it actually comes from a Japanese American friend of mine-- Mitarai shimai, from my mission. She called it "Dad's noodles" and since her Dad was less Japanese than her Mom, I'm not really sure where this recipe falls on the Japan to America scale of cuisine. If you've ever eaten a Spanish tortilla (which have nothing in common with the ones you'd eat at a Mexican restaurant), this is kind of similar, except it uses noodles instead of potatoes. Or like okono miyaki (for those of you well-versed in Japanese food), except the cabbage has been replaced with noodles.

This made a lot more sense in my head, before I tried to type it out...!

Anyway, here it is:

Fried Ramen
Boil one package of ramen noodles, drain
Mix one egg, spice packet (that comes with the noodles), a little chopped onion, and a small handful of cheese (I usually use mozzarella, but anything would probably work)
Add noodles to egg mixture
Spray a small frying pan with Pam
Flatten noodles into frying pan and fry, flipping once as the egg gets cooked (like you'd do a pancake); add more cheese as it's cooking, if you want
Smother with mayonnaise and little bit of BBQ sauce (mixed together-- this is how you eat okono miyaki, too, so try it before you just write it off as being too weird! It's yummy!)

This is really only enough for one person. When I make more, I like to keep it all separate, so last night I had three little frying pans all cooking away. But I just do that because I'm really bad at flipping things and it gets harder the bigger they are; if you're good at flipping pancakes, you could probably manage to make one big one and just cut it in half!

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