Friday, July 24, 2009

All About Kendra

Here are some random factoids about my daughter:

-She insists on being carried around the house and collecting kisses from everyone before naps and bedtime.

-The other day for lunch, she ate an entire can of Spaghetti-Os. Ew.

-Just now, when she couldn't sleep (probably because Bentley was pounding on the piano), she asked for Tigger to help her sleep. This is very devious of her, because Tigger is Bentley's stuffed animal and she's knows it. But I managed to slip him into her crib without Bentley noticing. (You should have seen the sly grin on her face over the whole thing!)

-When she's tired, she'll lay her blanket on things and then lay her ahead against the blanket. But if I ask her she's tired, she'll shake her head and say "No!" very emphatically.

-The blanket that she always carries around with her is the one I took her to the hospital in. (And that joke never stops being funny to me!)

-Several of the nursery kids know her name and were concerned when I showed up at playgroup with just Bentley. They kept asking, "Ken-wuh? Ken-wuh?" (That made me happy.)

-There was a whole rash of babies born at the same time as Kendra. All of them ended up with "A" names except her. Apparently we missed the memo on that one... (Really! In order of birth, they are: Aidan, Autumn, (Kendra,) Afton, Alta, and Aaron!) I like to think of all them together as being the "A+K" Team. And I feel really badly for the nursery workers now that they're beginning to turn 18 months old...

-Kendra's a flirt. I can only assume she inherited this ability from her Aunt Leah or possibly Grandma Patrice (I DON'T WANT TO KNOW, MOM). She sure as heck didn't get it from me or any of my other sisters.

-She loves stuffed animals, and enjoys hugging them and then passing them to me or Craig so we can hug them also.

-But she's also learned from Bentley the fine art of playing with trains and cars and takes a healthy interest in these things, too.

-Speaking of Bentley, she absolutely adores him and tries to do whatever he does. Recently this has included eating with a spoon and a bowl and trying to say prayers (or at the very least folding her arms and saying "Amen" at the end). When I bought Lightning McQueen band-aids for Bentley (for the bleeding gash he had on his leg at the time), Kendra wanted one, too. I told her she didn't have a bruise (our word for anything that hurts), and she immediately pointed to a week-old bug-bite on her knee. She got a band-aid, too.

-She's most affectionate during yoga class and always manages to sit on me or lean against me so that I can't do the positions at all. (She sat on my back for "cobra." That didn't work so well...)

-She only ever cries over emotional things. If she gets hurt, she'll rub the spot and look concerned until I tell her that she's fine. But if (heaven forbid!) Bentley hurts her feelings, she'll wail so loudly you'd think we'd just amputated her left foot. Very dramatic.

-She knows the word for "binky" and "blanky" but the two seem to be one entity in her mind. If I tell her to put down her blanky, she'll do that and then immediately spit out her binky, too. Apparently you can't have one without the other.

I'm sure I'll think of more as soon as I post this. But it's a start at least. Kendra makes me laugh.


Mary Gray said...

Actually, everyone named their kid with an A after AIDAN was born! It's because I'm so cool... everyone wants to be like me. So, Alanna, I'm actually very offended. You don't think I'm cool???

Alanna said...

No, no, Mary-- I just thought you were too cool to even bother trying to be like you! I'm impressed the others had the guts to try! Obviously they're the ones who didn't realize how unattainable your level of cool is... I'm guess I'm the only one who appreciates ya! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for giving me partial credit for the flirting gene! :)

The band-aid part made me think of the time (and this may have happened more than once) that Natalie had Mom put a band-aid above her lip as if she had a mustache. Ha ha!

Love, Leah (using Brian's account because I hate gmail)

Natalie R. said...

What??? I totally don't remember that happening - I think Leah made that up, like the Baked Ziti. :0)

Kendra is such a cutie, it's so fun getting to see her so much recently!

Liz said...

This is hilarious. :)