Monday, July 27, 2009

This Is the Moment

After much thought, I've decided to do something I have never done before. I was worrying about health care one night (did you know that I actually think about stuff like that?) and trying to figure out what I could do to make a difference. I'll be honest when I say that this health care plan that Obama is trying to push through scares the crap out of me. I'll try to write a post later that explains my reasons. But what can I do to stop it? I thought about writing a letter to my Congressman, but that didn't seem like it would make much impact. And then it hit me-- I'm so close to DC. What's to stop me from going into the city and protesting* this new health care plan? The more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me.

So, yes, you read that right. I'm going to protest. Natalie is coming down from Hershey to join me and we're making signs and everything. My in-laws have said they'll watch our kids-- they're happy to support us in this cause. If you want to join us, we'd love to have you. The more people, the better.

The day we picked is August 7th (Friday) at noon, right in front of the Capitol building. Yes, I realize it will be really hot. But the Senate goes on vacation the next day, so I want to do this once while they're still in session.

We're going to make signs the day before (the 6th) at my house, and you're more than welcome to join us for that, too.

My plan is to make at least one sign that reads, "My Body, My Choice for MY Health Care!" I might also make one that says, "Just Say NO to Politicians Running My Health Care!"

What would YOU put on a sign?

*All you Arrested Development fans out there, please tell me that you're thinking of Lindsay Bluth saying, "This only whets my appetite to protest!"


Erin said...

Yes, actually, I am thinking of Lindsay Bluth. Hopefully you won't end up stuck in a cage, pole-dancing. ;)

Alanna said...

Eh, that would probably be fun, too!

Juliana said...
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Juliana said...

Oh, pick me! I want to come too!(And Jeff is reading over my shoulder, and also wants to come).

I DID write a long letter to all our our senators and such. I'm the assistant to the president of an independent insurance agency, so all of Mr Obama's speeches are especially frightening (my job would be gone!). I wrote the letters on behalf my boss/our agency and I think every political leader on this half of the country received a multi-page, passionate rant explaining my opinion.

It felt really nice to get it all written out, (especially so clear and organized) but I'm confident that protesting and yelling would feel even better :)

Have fun!

Natalie R. said...

I had someone suggest "ENOUGH!" as a poster. I'm excited to let the Senators know what we think!!