Friday, August 21, 2009

Deep Thought

Is it just me or are the cicadas starting to sound more and more desperate as we get closer to the end of summer?

And just now Craig pointed out-- all the noise of the cicadas somehow makes it feel even HOTTER outside, doesn't it? I'm not sure if that's purely psychological, or if the vibrations of their chirping is actually helping heat things up, but whatever the case, I think Craig is on to something here.

If heat could have a sound, it would be the buzzing of thousands of cicadas looking for each other in the tree tops.


Natalie R. said...

Eww, something about that just seems really creepy...I think I'm going to hide inside for the rest of the summer!

Jen Evans said...

You know, I really like reading your blog. And the fact that it's private makes it more exciting because I can't just read you on googlereader. And the cicadas really are getting a little out of hand. I swear they chirped all through the night last night.

Shaun R. said...

It's not that the noise makes it seem hotter, it's that it probably is hotter. There is some evidence that cicadas make more noise when it's hotter.

This article explains that "singing and synchronized chorusing" are temperature dependent activities. And this article actually talks about the effect of ambient temperature on the sound power of cicadas.

Unfortunately only the abstracts are available online. Anyway, there's some scientific evidence that it's not just all in your head.

Alanna said...

Thanks for the info, Shaun! It's always nice to learn that I'm not just crazy! Who would have guessed?

And Jen-- it's so nice to have a fan! Thanks!