Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Protest Pictures

So this is what we looked like last Friday:

Left to right we have Bonnie, Sandy, Kathy, me, and Tracy

And again, L-R: Bonnie, Natalie, me, Tracy

And then here are some of our signs up close:
This one was mine.
Natalie brought it to a town hall meeting this last Monday and some woman from Planned Parenthood asked her to try and ask a question for her at the meeting! I guess she didn't actually read the sign very closely...

And this one was Natalie's, which I also thought was very clever.

I made this one (very quickly) for Tracy to carry.
On the back was a smaller sign that read, "In God We Trust. In Obama and Congres... eh, not so much."

This sign was Bonnie's. I thought it was brilliant; probably my favorite, actually.

I'll do my next post on the actual details of the protest. Stay tuned!


Natalie R. said...

I was glad we had good posters to hold up and do our talking for us. ;0)

Mary Gray said...

Those posters were ROCKIN'! Great work, Alanna, doing something that matters. :)