Thursday, August 27, 2009

Music You Have to Love

There is a lot of music out there that I really like, some of which I don't listen to nearly enough. A great example is bluegrass music-- I think I have one CD of bluegrass music, but every time I hear that banjo-fiddle-bass combo, I LOVE it. My sister Natalie recently posted a great video which I encourage you to check out. So fun!

Another of my great loves that I need to listen to more would have to be anything that comes out of Bollywood. It is SO fun! A particular favorite is the "Punjabi Wedding Song" from the movie Bride & Prejudice. (And for all you Lost fans out there-- you can especially enjoy seeing one of the Lost cast in a very different role!) When Bentley was a baby I used to dance around to this song while holding him. It made for great exercise and a lot of laughs. Enjoy!


Natalie R. said...

Yay Sayid! Who'd've thought he was a torturer who could DANCE?! ;0) I love that song, along with the wedding song in Bend It Like Beckham.

Glad you enjoyed Deborah's song, too! Wasn't that impressive??

Patrice said...

I knew I was going to love that movie as soon as I saw that big production number-and I did love the movie! Thanks for giving me a chance to watch it again!

Mary Gray said...

I LOVE both types of music you demonstrate here. I'm a huge fan of Allison Krauss.