Friday, August 10, 2012

Hawaii: The First Morning

We woke up that first morning while it was still dark.  The six-hour time change had left our bodies confused and tired, and we wandered around the house bleary-eyed, wondering what there was to do until it would be a reasonable hour to really do things.  Finally we realized that even this early and even still dark, the beach was be open to us, so we threw on whatever clothes we could find and we straggled across the front yard and down the sandy path to where the waves had been calling to us all night long, whispering in our sleep, and tickling our dreams with the promise of an endless expanse of blue.

Then we stood there trying to take it all in: the beauty, the warmth, the dampness and softness of perfect sand.  But most of all, the knowledge that this was just the beginning of twelve glorious days.  We danced and splashed and yelled for joy.  Waves slopped against our fronts and rather than leaving us shivering, they left us feeling more alive and happy.  We watched the sun come up over the horizon, pass the lowest bank of clouds, and finally shine on our faces and hair.  We did everything we could to experience paradise.

Really, is a more perfect place even imaginable?


Patrice said...

Aloha! Everything looks heavenly. Those are such sweet family pictures! Glad you are home safely.

Anne said...

Great pictures and what a lovely description at the beginning. You're such a great writer! :)

Natalie R. said...

Those are great family pictures, that's so fun! I'm glad you got to see the beach at sunrise - there's no better time to be on a beach!!!