Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And a couple quick Bentley-isms, too

Bentley just said, "Wadawewons." I'm not quite sure how it was that I figured out that he meant "watermelons," but I'm sort of proud of myself for understanding. I'm awarding myself extra credit mommy points.

He will also randomly announce, "I'm a boy." He says it in a way that manages to be matter-of-fact and also enormously proud of himself, all at the same time. One of these days I'll capture it on video for ya so you can see what I mean.

Speaking of which, we just got a new computer (huzzah!). So hopefully I can post video on my blog now! Consider yourself warned.

And one last Bentley-ism: Craig's whole family was here for Thanksgiving. During their stay, it suddenly occurred to me that Bentley was mixing up their names. He was switching Uncle Jason and cousin Kamryn's names (a fairly hefty mistake, since Kamryn is a 9-year-old girl). I was perplexed by it all, until I realized that my poor kid ALSO has an Uncle Cameron (on my side), so he was assuming (since he was hearing the name) that it must apply to this new uncle, also. Which left the name Jason for his little girl-cousin. That's either the smartest thing ever or the stupidest, I'm not sure which yet. But I did think it was pretty funny, even while I felt bad for all the confusion!


Mary Gray said...

He's a cute and smart kiddo. :) Congrats on your new computer. Hope you're loving it!

Jen Evans said...

Lizzie LOVES to tell me she's a girl. We were in my dad's car the other day with my dad and AJ in front, and Lizzie, my sister, and I in the back and Liz got a total kick out of the girls in the back, boys in the front.

Natalie R. said...

I love that mix-up, how funny! I think it's smart of him; how many kids go through the process of elimination at 3 years old??

And that's awesome that you figured out watermelons. Samuel gets frustrated with me when I don't know what he's saying, so I'm glad for Bentley's sake that you figured it out. :0)