Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Emotions of Motherhood

I'm trying to decide which makes me happier: the fact that Bentley just announced that he's good at stopping bad guys because he's "really tough," or the fact that this conversation occurred within the same hour that he happily spent lunchtime playing footsies with me.

I'm also not sure which gives me greater pleasure: writing this story on my blog for all of you to laugh at, or promising myself that some day I will tell it to his fiance...

And all of this happiness and pleasure almost overrides all the guilt I feel over letting Bentley eat goldfish crackers and cheerios for lunch.



Mary Gray said...

YES! Nutrition! You're making an adorable little boy there.

Juliana said...

You have the cutest kids!

And I hope you tell this stories (and similar!) to his fiancee! When I met Jeff's mom, I was pretty disappointed when she didn't have any funny stories about Jeff growing up. I think she shared ONE, but wasn't sure if it was him or his brother, actually. MY mom on the other hand, throughly embarrassed me within minutes of meeting Jeff.

Natalie R. said...

Ha ha, that's hilarious! Who would've thought that being a mom was such an emotional rollercoaster over little things like that??? ;0)