Friday, December 11, 2009

7 Strollers Strolling!

There are plenty of women who seem to have a pair of shoes for every occasion. I am not one of these types. I have tennis shoes and flipflops, and a couple dressy pairs for church. And that's pretty much it.

But last night, Craig pointed out that we seem to have strollers for every occasion. All told, we have owned seven strollers. (Eight, if you count the double-stroller twice!) And most of them are still in our possession. This may not seem too ridiculous until I remind myself that we only have two children. What in the world could we possibly need seven strollers for?

Well... The first one we ever got was my Graco. It's one of those great ones where the infant carrier can lock in, it's got a great basket, it fits in the back of the van. I love this stroller. But when I got pregnant with Kendra, Craig's brother offered to sell us his double-stroller, which seemed like a good investment, so we bought that one, too. It's made by Jeep, which cracks me up, and has served us well when we take both kids into the city. But then I wanted a small umbrella stroller just to have, something small and easy for going to the park. So I got one off FreeCycle, but it turned out to be pretty grimy, so I threw it away. Then I got a second one, which is quite nice and I have kept; it's cute with little zoo animals all over it. We also got a toy stroller for Kendra for Christmas last year. This one is getting pretty beat up these days, but it remains a favorite toy, so I can't bring myself to throw it away.

But with the trip that we have coming up, Craig decided that none of these strollers would do. They're either too big and bulky to put on a bus, or they're too short and will cause us back problems from bending over to push them around. So we bought two more. One of them is basically the Queen of All Umbrella Strollers: it folds up like a dream into a tiny little thing, but it's tall and has nice handles AND a basket underneath. Bliss. (Can I use my blog to call dibs on this stroller?)

The other one we just bought is basically the ugly, lesser sister of the Queen Stroller. It's nice-- or at least, it folds up really small. But there's no basket. And it isn't tall. No luxurious handles here. Craig, naturally, has plans to modify this stroller. He's going to cut the handles off our zoo-themed umbrella stroller, and attach them to Ugly Sister Stroller, thus making it tall enough to not give anyone back problems. Fortunately, Ugly Sister Stroller won't be made worse at all by looking a bit uglier.

So where most women go crazy over shoes, apparently I go crazy over strollers. But just when I'm about to decide that this is incredibly lame, I think-- but when I'm pushing a stroller, which are you more likely to notice? My shoes? Or the stroller? Since the stroller completely blocks any view of me, my legs, and especially my shoes, I'm going to have to bet on the stroller. So it's a good investment.

Now I just need one that will match my leather jacket better...


Craig said...

No, dear. You may not use your blog to call dibs on the nice stroller, since I'm the one who is TALLER!

Jen Evans said...

I loved your shoes this past Sunday.

Nancy said...

We've had 5 strollers (6 if you are counting toy doll strollers). And we're down to one. I sold the jogger, the double, and the graco that a baby seat clips into as well as a cheap umbrella stroller before we moved and bought a nice umbrella stroller with adjustable handles. Brandon HATED that we owned so many strollers. I also really like shoes though too.

Erin said...

WOW. That's a lot of strollers. We've managed to make it on two: the clip into Graco and an umbrella. We'll see what happens when we have another kid. But out here we don't use the stroller as often - being in the middle of nowhere we have to drive to get to anything.

(By the way, it looks like you tried to link to pictures or something - I don't think the links work. At least they don't for me. I'd like to see what the Queen of strollers looks like!)

Alanna said...

Hi, Erin! No, those weren't links. I just highlighted them in different colors so you could count along more easily and see that I wasn't lying. I think after our trip, we'll need to finally get rid of a few of them...

We did at least throw away the remains of the cute zoo umbrella stroller now that we've cut off the handles. And Craig successfully attached those handles to ugly sister stroller and it's GREAT now, so I'm glad that worked!

Mary Gray said...

Well I'm glad you won't be using the Disney resort strollers then. They're AWFUL!! My sister heard they were fabulous so we opted to use theirs since we only have an umbrella stroller... bad idea. Sheesh, you've had seven? How are we even friends??!

Natalie R. said...

That's hilarious! So far we've made it with only one - I LOVE my Maclaren (and for anyone worried about it, Samuel still has all of his fingers). We'll probably need something different someday when Joey II comes along, but we'll still have time to think about that. I feel like I never actually see women putting their carseats in the stroller - do you really need one of those big clip into strollers for infants???

Andrea said...

We've had quite a collection, too!! Our newest favorite is the Joovy Caboose Sit and Stand. It has a basket, can hold a carseat and has a place to sit (or stand!!). We loved it for Disney. You can check it out or borrow it if you'd like!

Have fun on your trip!!