Saturday, December 5, 2009

Picture Time

Have I been THAT remiss in posting pictures? Because I realized that what's on my camera is pretty out of date now... Especially since it's been snowing all morning. So we're going to stroll down memory lane for a bit and eventually and bring you up to the present. This is what things looked like just a few weeks ago:
Bentley enjoys playing in the leaves

Daddy was wearing ear plugs so Bentley decided he needed goggles. So safe!

Craig's newest toy tool. He's very proud of his leaf blower.

Kendra manages to be even messier than Bentley when she eats.
What-- isn't this how you eat a peanut butter sandwich?

Bentley builds forts out of my couch

Couldn't resist this shot...

Aren't we all just trying to fill our Daddy's shoes?

Eating cookie dough with the cousins and Grandpa
(while Grandma & Daddy makes Christmas cookies; and Mommy watches and takes pictures)

Happy boy.

Watching TV with cousin Maya

Looking very festive; I'm especially excited for the beautiful nativity set I got off FreeCycle.
And if you could see the snow outside, you'd want nothing more than to sit down with a mug of hot chocolate and sing "White Christmas" with us! Drop by any time!

So that's my picture update for now. I'm sure I'll have more soon!


Patrice said...

Loved the leaves, nearly cried at Bentley "filling daddy's shoes, Kendra adorable (more pics with clean face!!), loved that you got a nativity scene on free cycle! Your blog is a mother/grandma's delight!

Natalie R. said...

Yay for pictures!! Those are very fun. And that last post definitely made me wish I had a big mug of hot chocolate - I'm seriously tempted to go out and buy some right now!!

Mary Gray said...

WOW, I can't believe you got that nativity set off of Freecycle! Woot woot! Love the pic. :)