Monday, December 12, 2011


My Dad likes to quote Dirty Harry, reminding his daughters, "A man's got to know his limitations." This Sunday I discovered one of mine.

Let me just begin by explaining that I hate to be late. Anywhere. Or to anything. Growing up, I was late to just about everything and I grew to hate it. I was always that kid waiting in the parking lot for someone to come and pick me up and wondering how long I should wait before I found a payphone and called home to make sure someone was coming. But thanks to that, I am now almost always on time. I'm actually one of those people who has to plan to NOT show up at a party the second it starts. But even that took a lot of nagging from Craig to persuade me that that was just tacky. But it's hard for me to do. Recently I've been working on being lax about this rule for things where it doesn't actually matter, like playgroup. Or hanging out with my friends. (Yup, I once completely stressed out because I was ten minutes late to playgroup. And I'm pretty sure that when I showed up, no one else was even there yet. It's not easy being crazy.)

But church is not one of those things that you're supposed to be late for. So even though we live about five minutes from the church building, I always try to leave by half past. This way, even when I'm running behind, we're always on time.

This is certainly a challenge, and it isn't getting easier. All this year, we've had church at 9:00am, which is kind of on the early side. And Craig usually has meetings before church, so I'm usually handling everything by myself. And currently I've got these three kids to get ready and none of them are terribly helpful about the whole process: Bentley hates to wear church clothes and cannot get his church shoes on his feet; Kendra moves slower than molasses and has hair that no matter what I do to it, always looks like she's a homeless person about ten minutes later; and Ryder has this great need to climb the stairs the second I turn my back on him and also likes to blow baby food raspberries when I'm in a hurry. It's lovely.

I'm not trying to claim that no one has it harder than I do. In fact, I would love nothing more than to hear why you have it harder than I do-- it would make me happy to know I'm not the only one who struggles with this! I'm just saying that this isn't easy for me and it doesn't come naturally. But so far, I'm very proud of my track record. If I've ever been late, I've managed to completely block this incident from my memory.

But this Sunday I finally hit that wall. Choir met at 8:30 and since I'd missed practice the week before, I decided that we needed to be there. I got up even earlier than usual (despite a lousy night's rest which included going to bed too late (my fault), and then being woken up by Ryder at 3:00am and Kendra at 4:00am). And I tried. I tried so hard to get us all dressed, fed, and out the door. But somehow it just didn't work. And despite all the screaming I did trying to hurry everyone along, we ended up being fifteen minutes late to choir practice, which was only a half hour long to begin with.

I walked into that chapel, handed Ryder to Craig (who was already there singing, having finished his meetings), picked up my music, stood with the other sopranos... and burst into tears. When it was apparent that I wasn't going to be able to sing at all right then, I quietly walked right back out of the chapel and to the bathroom where I could sob for another minute and then try to do damage control to my mascara.

It really wasn't anything worth crying about. Even in the midst of my wailing I knew that. But I just couldn't help it somehow.

So that's one limit for me to remember from here on out: I can be on time to church. But I can't do more than that. Maybe when the kids are grown. Or can put on their own shoes at least...

How do you manage to get to church?


Patrice said...

This is from the woman who taught you to be on time (through constant negative reinforcement!). I have actually been pretty good about Sacrament meeting in recent years (maybe it helps not having to help anyone else get ready!)-this Sunday I was sitting in the pew more than ten minutes early when I had a vision of my RS lesson sitting on the kitchen table where I had looked at it while eating breakfast. I checked my bag and sure enough, the lesson was at home. this was a problem since I was teaching! This was also the end of my being on time, at least for last Sunday.

You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

Vangie said...

This is my reality: We are ALWAYS late to church. If we are on time or early then I've probably left a child at home. I haven't left a child home yet, therfore I haven't been on time to church.

Hope that makes you feel better! :)

Nancy said...

I thought Sunday was great because we usually walk in about a minute before church and last week we were later than normal and the chapel was practically empty... we had so many choices of pews to chose from! I'm a grump on Sunday mornings... you can ask my family. And even though they are all old enough to dress themselves, none of them want to get out of bed, put clothes on, eat breakfast of have their hair combed.

Natalie R. said...

My friend in Brooklyn and I used to plan a time to meet, and then she would say, "Wait, instead of meeting then, why don't you leave your house at that time?" She was always late, and I was always early - it was a bad combination for meeting! ;0) And I still stress about being late to playgroup, I just can't help it!

It's funny because we have church at 1:00, which is just weird. We keep having these Sundays where all of a sudden we realize it's 11:00 and we're supposed to be getting ready for church!!! But for us being late is getting there at 12:45, because by then all of the pews are gone and you have to sit on a hard, metal chair in the echo-y gym. So we haven't been late in quite a while (I think we were late on Mother's Day because I was trying to let Caleb sleep and didn't want to wake him up until the last possible minute, but we were only a minute late).

Yes, good times trying to get kids to church on time!!!

Jen Evans said...

Lizzie tends to fall apart Sunday mornings because she has to wear tights and non-rainboot shoes. I have started hiding her rainboots to prevent the argument, but then she insists on wearing her crocs instead. I must admit, watching AJ go through this all while I sleep in for the past 2 months of Sundays has been pretty gratifying.

Anna said...

lol @ Jen

Well, we completely missed choir practice but we were on time/early to Church! Usually, it doesn't matter how much I do ahead of time the night before, how little I do for myself to get ready, how efficiently I accomplish tasks or how closely I keep track of time, we're late. I'm so tired of being stressed and tired from getting up extra early with nothing to show for it (being on time-wise) that I'm about to the point of adopting the attitude of "when we get there, we get there". Maybe you could come observe me and give me pointers some time. ;)

Anne said...

:) I've always been a latey. Simon is COMPLETELY the opposite. It's been good for me. I'm getting MUCH better, although I'm still training myself. :) I was so grateful a few Sundays when it was a really slow morning and we got there (Simon always has meetings in the morning and therefore is absolutely no help...) and I knew we were super late. We walked into the foyer and Simon was just coming out of the chapel to wait for us (the sacrament hymn was just beginning). He took the boys from me, gave me a hug, and didn't even mention the fact that we were SUPER late. :) It's nice when husbands do just what you needed them to do. :)

Laresa said...

There are some days as a lone adult I can't go to church, and if I do go, I can't stay in church. So kudos for being there!