Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Material Girl. Sort of. Not Really.

Every time someone posts something on facebook about how they "just love using cloth diapers (squee!)," I suspect that they're lying to me. It must be one of those "misery loves company" things, and they're trying to coerce me into joining them in cloth diaper hell. Right?

I've already become too granola: I'm eating a lot less meat and dairy. I'm a fan of natural birth (preferably at home!) and breastfeeding. I'm seriously considering getting special shoes that would enable me to "run barefoot." I actually-- literally-- make granola and eat it as often as I can afford to. And worse yet, the rest of the family loves it, too, so we go through a huge batch in a matter of days.

If I switched to cloth diapers, I'd have officially left mainstream America as I know it. So in order to preserve my own idea of who I am, I will not ever try cloth diapers.


So stop trying to convince me.


Juliana said...

I love this post!

My mom used to rave about how much she LOVED the cloth diaper service they had in Texas for Luke (until the management changed and then she hated them). Anyway, I'm surely not trying to convince you of anything now, but just give you a heads up that when I give "cloth diaper hell" a try someday, you may be getting a long email (or book referral) about it then. :)

(PS: Jeff and I were just laughing the other day at how we feel like secret hippies with our veggie meals and barefoot shoes... But of course, hippies who don't like Obama - so what kind of hippie is that?)

cms87 said...

LOL. I am granola too. Although, I don't actually make graonal that often. . . But, I can add homeschool to my granola list so I think it all evens out. ;o)

Erin said...

I've noticed the people across the street from us use a diaper service. I'm going to ask them how they like it and might do that. And I think I'm going to try out gDiapers, except with cloth inserts, partly because I'm doubtful our old pipes could handle the flushable inserts (seriously, the pipe cleaning guy told us we couldn't use Charmin toilet paper (we don't anyway) because it clogs up the old pipes). But the cool thing if you can use the flushable ones, is that if they only have a wet diaper the insert can go in your home compost! You do compost, right? You can't possibly have grown up in the Seattle area and not compost! ;) If not, maybe you should add that to your granola list before cloth diapers. :) I'll let you know how I end up liking whatever I try.

Liz said...

:) You are funny!

But ps: be careful of the barefoot running shoes - ease into them a bit at a time, ok? My dad went whole nutso with them during the summer and ended up messing up his Achilles tendon!

Oh and pps: I've been meaning to write you that your running posts/stories have inspired me - I've actually gotten out a few times this week to (!) run. Guess I don't really have any excuses living here - it's not like it's snowing or whatever. :)


Nancy said...

I used cloth diapers for about half a day with baby Ella. Horrible.

And, bytheway, you'd also have to homeschool to leave mainstream America. :)