Saturday, January 21, 2012

So True.

This blog Momastery has been printing a series of "best of" posts and they are awesome. I first learned about it when a bunch of my friends linked her post on facebook about the awful thing old ladies like to say to young mothers-- "Enjoy every minute of your kids being little!" This woman's response was so spot-on to how I feel that I immediately became a follower. And now she posts this message about the choice to stay home or work, and I find myself wishing she lived here in Manassas so I could look her up and we could be best friends. Read them! Read them both! Then read all the posts in between, because they really are that good.

Why can't I write like her? No matter, I'm just glad that she can and is willing to take the time to share her talents with the likes of me!

Happy Saturday to all!


Erin said...

Excellent post. I guess some women feel a need to validate their own choices by tearing down those who've made a different choice. Which just indicates how insecure they are in the choice they've made for themselves, how much of that guilt they're feeling. It doesn't help anyone for us to let those fears and guilt control our lives.

Personally, I think we as women need to start calling out other women (politely, kindly, nicely!) when they make judgmental remarks either way. It doesn't really matter what their intent is. Often it's to be supportive of someone. But in reality they're just continuing the war between women, and that's not helpful to anyone.

Anne said...

I also came across her blog through facebook and LOVE it! Especially the enjoy every minute post. She rocks! Glad we have something else in common. :)

Juliana said...

I just read these both. Then had Jeff read them both. Excellent! I love articulate posts like these.

Thanks for sharing!