Saturday, June 23, 2012

And Thus It Begins...

Bentley's buddy Peter invited him to join their church boy scout troop. Since there are no guarantees that they'll be in the same class in school next year, we decided it would be nice for them to have an activity to do together. So they will both be Tiger Scouts next year. Before then, though, the troop held their annual Raingutter Regatta, to which all prospective troop members were invited. How could we say no? Craig and Bentley worked very hard on Bentley's boat. The day of. But with a little help from my hairdryer, it was still done in time! Bentley was very serious about racing his boat (each boy has to blow into the sail to get it to the end), but I guess his determination paid off since he won all three races!
Just before his first race

Concentrating on the finish line

Very pleased with the race results

This time he had to race Peter.  (Fortunately for all of us, Peter is not nearly as bad a loser as Bentley can be.  That made things nice.)

Bentley loves nothing more than finding or making costumes to wear, so he was absolutely thrilled about his new uniform and has been wearing it proudly every opportunity he gets!
Having his neckerchief tied on by the older boys (who are now moving up to be Wolf Cubs)

Again, a very solemn moment

I'm not really sure what in the world Peter is doing in this picture, but I like how Bentley looks!

Yeah, same here.  But doesn't my son look great in a uniform?
Bentley and Peter-- two peas in a pod-- enjoying s'mores

Anyway.  I'm still terrified of the whole scouting program-- it's still one big mystery to me, having grown up in an all-girl family.  But my plan is to let Craig worry about it and I'll just enjoy the breaks from my kid and getting pictures of him in a uniform.  And that just might work out delightfully for all of us!

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Nothing more handsome than a "man" in uniform!!