Thursday, March 8, 2018

Church Callings

Life continues to be busy.

A few weeks ago, they released me from working with the young women and put me in the Relief Society presidency.  I'm actually pretty excited for the change-- I loved working with the girls and I adore the YWs president, but she was super disorganized and it was starting to make me crazy.  You know that phrase, "Nature abhors a vacuum"?  Well, with the vacuum of leadership and organization, I was slowly turning into the type-A person trying to make sure stuff actually happened.  I felt like I was getting sucked into that role against my better nature.  It was weird.

The R.S. president is super organized, so I think working with her will be a good change.  Also, she's very social and I've been lonely in this ward-- everyone lives so far that people hardly ever bother to get together.  So I suspect that spending time with other grown-ups will also be good for me.  But it's going to be a lot of work, too-- I spent over an hour on Sunday evening calling sisters to conduct visiting teaching interviews.  It was exhausting.  But good-- good to hear what they're trying to do, what they're concerned about, good to get ideas of what changes can be made to improve things.

Here's to working with grown-ups again!

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