Sunday, May 19, 2019

So Green

All the leaves have come out and it's so green and lovely I can barely stand it.  I look out my windows and it takes my breath away, I love it so much.

Sometimes, the breeze will blow just perfectly so that the branches wave gently and the leaves flutter and there is just so much movement all around that it nearly makes me dizzy.  I find my eyes flitting all over the place trying to take it all in but it's just impossible, there's just too much.  It's the same way I feel watching waves on the beach, I guess, but maybe even more so. 

Sunset pictures never really capture it, do they?  At least, not on an iPhone...

A couple weeks ago, I was walking to the bus stop with Quinn and she told me, "Mommy and Daddy say they wouldn't want to live on this street because of the noise from the freeway."  That made me laugh, because I was exACTly like her as a kid-- no family secret was safe from my big mouth!  My parents lived in fear of what I was telling the neighborhood that they were saying.  And in Quinn's case, I wasn't even offended because it's a totally legit concern.  I just told her, "The noise doesn't actually bother us because it's never quiet enough in our house to hear the freeway!"  And that's the truth.

But even if the noise was annoying, I STILL think it would be worth it for all those trees!

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