Monday, May 20, 2019

Wrapping Things Up

Colton has learned SO many letters in kindergarten! I wouldn't call him a fluid reader yet, but he is definitely able to sound out words and string them together into sentences! So that's wonderful progress!!!

Camille's Art in the Park class wrapped up this last week-- she enjoyed making this crown and then getting to paint with her feet!  (Her instructor very carefully wrapped each kids' feet up in bubble wrap first-- don't worry, it wasn't as messy as that sounds!)

And as Kendra approaches 5th grade "graduation," her school has been conducting little interviews asking what they'll miss about Cale, so here's hers (with one of her best friends!) that was on the school TV the day I happened to be there!

This hat and shirt were another product of Camille's art class, but here we have Colton modeling them for you:
He is one cool dude.
And smiling for real!
This last Saturday, I had the chance to visit Southern Virginia University with my BFF Sarah for their annual Mom's Retreat!  I had such a great time and it was fun to get away for a little bit and get to hang out with Sarah without all our kids interrupting us all the time!

My first time visiting SVU, so that made it extra fun!

While I was gone, Craig had Ryder help him make an awesome breakfast for everyone.  He texted me this picture and wrote, "I should be a Mormon Mommy Blogger!"  Ten minutes later he texted again, "Never mind,  Ryder just burned his finger."  Ah, the stuff that doesn't make it onto the professional blogs!

Only three weeks of school left!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Sounds like a successful almost end of a year for everyone! Did you stop by W&L campus while you were at SVU? So pretty, and Robert E. Lee's horse is buried on campus (my brother went to W&L and I always loved the campus).