Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Back to Oratorio

One of my FAVORITE sounds in the whole world is the sound of an orchestra tuning up.  It's always full of the anticipation of good, beautiful things coming your way.  Is there anything else so reliably hopeful???

My choir is back and rehearsing again this year after being on Zoom all last year (which I did not participate in-- the idea of spending a couple hours in the basement on zoom every week after helping my kids be on zoom all day long was just too soul crushing) and our Christmas concerts are THIS SATURDAY!!!  (For those of you who don't live around here, you can buy tickets to livestream the evening performance, if you're interested!)

Monday we got to rehearse with the orchestra and it was so great.  A three hour rehearsal and I was sad when it ended.  And I'm already excited for our dress rehearsal on Thursday when we'll get to be on the stage at the Paramount for our first concert in two years.  We're singing Vivaldi's Gloria, which is SO FUN, and I think I've finally got my mind wrapped around our two pieces from Rachmaninoff's All Night Vigil.  Any time we split into three-part soprano harmonies it takes me a while to really get it.  It helps a lot that the woman I sit next to is an AMAZING singer (she has one of the solo parts in Gloria, so I'm not exaggerating here) so she's definitely been carrying me along as I was figuring it out.  We also have a piece called "Jingle Bell Hoe Down" that Michael arranged that has lots of Copeland vibes and is a lot of fun-- the violins are really the star of the show for that one and it's fantastic.

I never would have guessed singing with a mask on could still be fun, but it's fine.  They got us special masks that work really well for singing (meaning they don't suck against your face when you take a big breath).  It makes me wonder if they're actually doing any good, but I'm not complaining.  It's nice to feel like I can breathe!

And mask or no mask, that sound of the orchestra tuning up gets me every time.

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