Friday, December 17, 2021

Conversations with Camille, Part II

After trying various schedules that didn't work, we have finally settled into a really nice routine where we have our family's Come, Follow Me lesson first thing in the morning, right between me getting home from FiA and Craig leaving to swim laps.  It's early-- 6:30!-- but it's the only way we can do it consistently, so we're sticking to it.

This week, we've been talking about The Family: A Proclamation to the World, a document which seemed downright silly to me when it was released in 1995 because everything in it was so obvious that I couldn't imagine why anyone needed to SAY this stuff, and now feels almost revolutionary the way it boldly sticks to principles that the rest of the world has walked away from.  How did the world change so much in just 26 years?

Anyway, on Wednesday, I was trying to talk about the joy that having children brings me, and I asked the kids why they thought we had such a big family.  Camille quickly answered, "Well, you do make us clean the house A LOT." and everyone else chimed in that clearly the reason we had so many kids was so I could make them clean the house for me.

I don't think I have EVER laughed so hard at 6:30 in the morning!  

Yup, they figured me out-- the reason I had five kids was so that I could have a super clean house!!! 😂😂😂

Love these guys!  And not just because they keep me laughing!

1 comment:

Juliana said...

Wow,this is a beautiful picture of your kids!