Monday, January 31, 2022

We're Alive!!!

And we are back among the living!

We went to church yesterday-- leading the primary in singing time was a bit rough because my voice is not quite all there yet.  But I got through it.  And I get to swing by the nursery and spend a few minutes doing singing time with the 18-month-olds, which is just hilarious-- they have NO CLUE what's going on, and the whole thing just cracks me up.  It will be fun seeing how fast they catch on!

And today I got up at 5am and did my FiA workout even though it was 19 degrees outside!  I brought my wussy 2 lb. weights because I was worried about keeping up, but I felt great the whole time and I'm thinking I would have been okay with my usual 8-pounders.  I'll go whole hog Wednesday.

The kids all went to school today!  It's the 31st of January and this will be the second day of the month where I'll have a house with no kids in it for a few hours.  The second day!!!!  I'm so excited for there to be a few hours where my kitchen isn't being covered in toast crumbs, goldfish crackers, that crackly dried egg white stuff, or splashes of milk...  A clean kitchen is the best thing ever.  

And I will run errands and get stuff done without dreading what the house is going to look like by the time I return.


It's good to be back!

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