Monday, March 28, 2022

Another Week with Zevi (This Time Without Catching Covid!)

After Colton's birthday, I had another week with Zevi!  Unlike the last time I watched him, this had been planned months in advance because his nanny was going to Atlanta to go house hunting.  That was all fine and good, until the schools changed their calendar and suddenly the kids didn't have school on that Friday!  I was a little worried about wrangling two extra kids all day, but fortunately Rachel was very understanding and left work early so she could get them shortly after lunch (and brought me lunch, to boot!).  So that was a relief!

Wearing Ryder's hat for St. Patrick's Day

He wouldn't wear a bib, so I figured it was easier to clean him off than his shirt!

We tried on costumes-- and there's Noah (the dragon) in the back with Colton and Camille!

We really liked jumping on the trampoline!

And he really liked these binoculars (or, as my kids call them, binoculators) which were mine when I was a kid!  Fisher-Price stuff is built to LAST.

Zevi is a delight, and we had a good time together!  But I'm not gonna lie-- watching a 2-year-old in my not-2-year-old-proof house is exhausting.  I don't think I'm cut out for that kind of work any more!  I was quite relieved when the week was over and I could get back to my routine of doing whatever I want without making sure no one is destroying my house while I do it!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I know this exhaustion! When my 2yo nephew came last summer I took a good look around the house and realized it's definitely not toddler safe and, ugh, felt like so much work to try to think of everything we needed to! But like like they had fun - and hooray for no COVID!