Friday, March 25, 2022

Colton is 9!

Colton's birthday is the same day as the Covid shutdowns, so that 2-year mark was also his 9 year mark!  And, as we often do, we managed to spread the celebrating out over about a week and he had a wonderful time throughout!

We began the Saturday before his birthday.  That was the day we had gross icy sleet all day and also my choir concert!  So that was a fun combination!  But in spite of the terrible weather, Tom and Donna managed to make it to Charlottesville for the concert, and then we all went to Five Guys for dinner (Colton's choice, although I think Bentley may have held some persuasive powers over him to make that happen), and then Colton got to open presents:

He also chose Krispy Kreme dougnuts!

On his actual birthday I made him Dutch babies for dinner, Kendra made him a cake, and Craig frosted it.  And I wrapped his presents!
Money shot!  (Also-- I had to order that "9" candle from Amazon!  None of my grocery stores had that number!)
And then the following Saturday, Colton brought a couple friends to Jump, had pizza and a movie after (and we finished the cake from Camille's birthday that we'd frozen) so that was a delightful day for him!  (Also, Craig took him to get a much-needed haircut before his friends arrived!)
With Abel and Walker-- gotta love those red faces from jumping so much!

I swear Colton is not that short, his friends are just excessively tall!

So I think it was a good birthday, overall-- lots of presents and treats, what more could you ask for?  

Happy Birthday, Colton!!!  We sure love you!!!

And now we have officially wrapped up birthday season in the Smith household!  Whew-- I always feel like we've accomplished something when we get to this point! 😅

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