Thursday, June 18, 2009

A few random notes

I have a whole slew of things to share, so rather than a bunch of short posts, I'm going to just give you a long list. Enjoy!

-I took the trash out yesterday while Craig was in the shower (wasn't that nice of me?). As I was doing it, I realized that I really don't mind such chores when it's warm outside. So can I use this moment of nice-ness to try and coerce Craig into taking care of the trash in the winter?

-I'm proud of myself for finally grabbing an old toothbrush and some SoftScrub and cleaning out the corners of the shower this morning. Such a little thing that makes such a difference!

-Yesterday my parents treated us to dinner at The Melting Pot, which was fabulous. My in-laws were super-nice and watched the kids for us so we didn't have to bring them along. That was also fabulous. How did I get such nice people in my life?

-Along with her new-found ability to walk, suddenly Kendra thinks she should be able to walk down the stairs just like the rest of us. She hasn't fallen down yet, but I think it's probably just a matter of time...

-Every time I see our little groundhog family, it makes me happy.

-My sister Leah just sent us all an article about how Ken Griffey, Jr. and Ichiro have become really good friends and how much happier Ichiro is now. I sat wearing my "Griffey Returns" t-shirt that my Dad got me in Seattle and tried not to cry. Ever since having kids weird happy things will make me cry (like the fireworks at Disneyland-- WHO CRIES OVER THAT???). I really hate that I'm so emotional, but at least it's always over happy things and not sad things!

-Craig has one day left of school. I can hardly wait to have my husband back again.

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure I have more, but I'll just do a new post when I think of it. What's new with you?


Jen Evans said...

Ooh, melting pot. I am all about melted cheese and fruit.

Erin said...

Gareth never was willing to learn the baby way to get down stairs, which caused several months of high stress whenever we were around stairs - have fun with that!

Liza Jane said...

Glad I'm not the only one who cries at little things after having kids. Crazy hormones!