Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our Good Friend Braxton Hicks

Today I read an article on about *Braxton Hicks contractions. It recommended that if you aren't at 37 weeks yet and have more than four of these in an hour, to go see a doctor. I can only begin to imagine how much my doctor would love me if I called him every time that happened! Okay, okay, so really I've never actually paid enough attention to count how often they're coming. I just know they happen all the time, especially if I do anything strenuous like, say, standing up. Or walking. Trying to walk at the same pace I would walk before I was pregnant really brings them on. Picking up children. You know, the stuff I do all day long.

Just now I had one and Craig happened to put his hand on my tummy to see if he could feel the baby kick. It was classic. He looked slightly bewildered and asked, "Why is your stomach so hard all of a sudden?" Welcome to my world, dear. When I was pregnant with Bentley and would have them, I used to think he was just pushing his head against my stomach. I used to laugh and say, "No, baby, you can't come out there." (Little did I know!) It wasn't until I was pregnant with Kendra that I figured out what was really going on.

Yeah, Braxton Hicks contractions are annoying. But I really can't complain too much. When I was at seven months with Kendra, the doctor checked me and I had already dilated to a three. I remember walking out of the doctor's office feeling like perhaps I needed to walk carefully because apparently I had a big hole in me. I also considered telling my mom to get on a plane right this minute 'cuz this baby might be coming any day now. As it was, Kendra was only a week early, so my initial panic was (mostly) unwarranted. But I do think that her easy labor was due at least in part to the fact that I was a third of the way there before I even began.

So I try to not mind the fake contractions too much. It's just saving me that much work later on, and it doesn't even hurt this time! Best deal ever!

28 weeks down, only 12 to go! (11 if I'm lucky! And we all know this baby is Lucky!)

*Any of you read the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fford and laughed at Thursday's boss named Braxton Hicks? Hilarious!


Jen Evans said...

Whenever I meet someone with a kid named Braxton I just laugh. Really? You want to always remember those?

Having them at school was always enjoyable, trying to recline in one of those hard chairs attached to the desk. Did I say enjoyable? I meant to say unavoidable.

Nicole said...

yeah, braxton hicks contractions blow me away. i never knew my belly could become so tight! such a bizarre feeling.

Natalie R. said...

Man, I swear I've never had those. Maybe I just didn't recognize them as that, but I really don't remember ever having my belly get all tight like that before. What can I say, my babies are just really hesitant to actually be born so I have to force them out with pitosin!! ;0)