Friday, September 3, 2010


I'm going to be a bloggerly coward and write about salad instead of the tragedy that I have been trying to deal with this week. I'm sorry that my blog, for now, has the emotional capacity of a flounder. Perhaps later I can try to remedy this, but not today.


The other day, I happened to mention to my sister Leah that I'd bought a watermelon. Watermelon are one of those things that I really like, but they always seem like a lot of work, so I keep telling myself I'll buy one next week, and then suddenly it's the end of the summer and if I want any watermelon at all, I'd better hurry up and buy one right now. So I did. Bentley was really excited by this, although I'm not sure he knows what watermelon is or if he even likes it.

Leah suggested I make watermelon salad, something she and her husband had had at a restaurant and loved and begun making for themselves. It sounded simple enough, so I made it along with dinner tonight. And Leah was right-- it's wonderful! So you should try it, too, before all the watermelons disappear! Sorry this doesn't have precise amounts. That usually drives me nuts because I am someone who has to measure everything exactly to be sure I'm making it right. But even without measurements mine turned out just fine, so I'm sure you can do it, too!

Watermelon Salad
Place bite-sizeish pieces of watermelon on a large plate
Pour small amount of olive oil over watermelon
Grate goat cheese around the sides of the plate (the more the better; goat cheese=small piece of heaven)
Put arugula on top
Sprinkle salt over everything

Enjoy! Even Craig, who was pretty skeptical about the whole thing was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. You'll love it!


Andrea said...

Salad...nice, easy, and painless. Good choice to stick, too. ;)

And I must say anything with a salt, watermelon and goat cheese (hello, best cheese on earth)is a winner in my book. For me, I'd substitute the arugula with basil.

Anna said...

Flounder away, I'm just avoiding it altogether on my blog. :/

That salad sound good... I'll have to remember it next time I go shopping.

Unknown said...

Yay! So glad you guys liked the salad. -Leah

Andrea said...

I made your salad tonight and it was a hit! Thanks for sharing!

Natalie R. said...

Leah and Brian made this for us once when we were all in NYC, it was so good!! I'm glad she shared the recipe, I'll have to make it this week. :0)