Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More Career Options

The other day, over breakfast, Bentley began explaining to me that he thought Lucky should be a firefighter. I thought this was interesting mostly because Bentley has also decided that Lucky is a girl. I was pleased to see that he has no problems with female firefighters.

Bentley has already decided that he wants to be a policeman when he grows up-- a fitting career, since nothing infuriates him more than other people breaking the rules. He's constantly talking about giving tickets to people who drive too fast and stopping bad guys. (Interestingly enough, he has no problem with himself breaking rules, and is devastated whenever anyone tries to tell him he isn't supposed to be doing something.) Yup, sounds like a cop. Why not have a fireman, too?

Following this conversation, I turned to Kendra and asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up.

She looked out the window for a moment and then answered dreamily, "Um, the moon."

Nice. I like it.

It helps that one of my favorite songs by Gilbert & Sullivan is "The Moon and I" from The Mikado. (If you watch the video, you can probably just skip the first 56 seconds of monologue before it launches into the song; but be sure to notice that actress also plays Moaning Myrtle!)

I'm glad my kids think big.


Jen Evans said...

I have to ask - did you really post this at 4:29 AM?

Alanna said...

Um, yeah. Pregnancy-induced insomnia, I guess. I'd been awake since 3:30, so I finally decided I may as well do something somewhat productive (vacuuming seemed out of the question...).

I'm really tired today.

Natalie R. said...

Lame, I'm so sorry that you were up so early on Tuesday! I'm glad that Bentley and Kendra already have their lives figured out, and I LOVE that song from The Mikado. It's so funny to see which actors/actresses actually have good singing voices, like Moaning Myrtle and "I am the one and only Eunice!" Anyways, I can't wait to see how Kendra figures out how to be the moon. :0)

Juliana said...

"Um, the moon." I love it!

I think it was the Christmas that I was three the Santa a the mall asked what I wanted for Christmas. "Umm... A ballerina." I didn't want a ballerina doll or ballerina dress-up clothes, but my own personal ballerina.

Kids should always aim high!