Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So after all this positive feedback and a little extra enthusiasm that I'm borrowing from my good friend Jen, we have decided to get together and make those book slings. With a little moral support and someone to point out if I'm doing anything wrong, I think I can totally do this. So here's the question: Do you want to come and join us? We'll do this Monday morning, 9:30 at Jen's house. If you hurry, you should have plenty of time to get your supplies all together. Come to Jen's house and be crafty with us! (This will also be a great chance for Jen to show off her lovely new home, so really, please do come! I mean it!)

*If you don't know where Jen lives, leave a comment and I'll email you her address. Even though this blog is private, it seems sort of obnoxious to give out my friends' personal information over it!


Nancy said...

Tempting, very tempting.

Andrea said...

Oh, man! I'll still be in Japan...

Have fun and I can't wait to see how they turn out? I need to know if I'll lose steam by the 4th one!

Angie said...

Ooh, sounds fun!

Alanna said...

Nancy and Angie-- you should totally come!!!

And Andrea-- we'll miss you! (I mean, we already. You know what I mean!)

Nancy said...

I would... but my visiting teachers are coming Monday morning. And 2nd week of the homeschool year is already WAY out of wack.