Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Short Plea

Can I just say that this graph hit a little too close to home.  Both the little chunk of Joss Whedon over in 2006 (how I miss having Buffy afternoons with my grad school friends!) and then of course the scary gray patch that wells up in 2010.

Phew.  What a year.  I feel like every time I turn around I learn of someone who has cancer.

Readers-- eat those foods that are supposed to have antioxidants or whatever it is that nutrition experts are swearing will help your body fight off cancer, okay?  And wear sunscreen, too!  I don't want to deal with any more cancer in my friends and loved ones!  Down with cancer.


Liz said...
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Liz said...

I have two thoughts on your post, neither of which is really related to your main point ... but I couldn't resist:

1) You know the xkcd comic?! Another recent one might be up your alley too:

2) And speaking of comics, I just saw "The Avengers" last night with Dave and one of his friends and it was actually reasonably awesome - ridiculous and over-the-top obviously, but pretty funny. (The director is Joss Whedon, of course, which is how it relates to your post.)

And yes, I put sunscreen on when I went for a hike today. ;)

ps: Hi!