Monday, January 14, 2013

But other than that, it was a good day...

99% of Saturday was a really good day.

I got a good night's rest and the kids let us sleep until a decent hour.  I got to go to my friend's daughter's baptism and then met Craig and all the kids at the pool* where they'd just begun swimming lessons (well, just Bentley and Kendra, not Ryder).  And then I worked on cutting out fabric for this project (my job is to cut the fabric, all the rest will be left to more capable hands, lest you wonder whose blog you're reading!) while Craig worked on putting our downstairs back together. 

I should explain about the downstairs: After getting the TV, Craig decided it needed to be mounted on the wall.  This made sense, since sitting on that flimsy plastic stand it came with seemed like an invitation to the kids to just knock it down and break it.  But since we were doing that, it also made sense to just get rid of the TV stand we had-- it was just a cheap thing we'd bought at Wal-Mart and it was already missing one cupboard door and looked pretty shabby.  So the domino effect here also meant we needed to find new places for all the stuff that had been stored in the old TV stand.  Craig got to be in charge of all of that, and he did a great job.  The TV is now mounted on the wall, complete with Craig's old stereo speakers, all our DVDs have been moved to the book shelf next to the TV, all CD cases are in storage.  And while he was at it, he moved the couch back to its proper place (it had been shoved aside to make room for the Christmas tree), vacuumed everywhere, and patched and repainted the holes in the wall from the first attempt at mounting the TV. 

So he worked hard.  While I measured and cut fabric.  And then watched him work hard.  And pointed out pine needles that the vacuum had missed.  (I'm helpful like that!)

Then it was dinner, get the kids to bed, and all that usual stuff.

And then it was time to sit and enjoy our TV!  And as Craig put in a DVD (Moneyball-- I like that movie), I came down the stairs, thinking about being helpful by moving the love sac.  And as I looked at it wondering if it was too heavy for me to move, I completely missed the bottom step, and came crashing down on my foot which twisted to one side making a horrid POP-ping noise.  And I crash-landed on my hands and knees.

And then I burst into tears because my ankle hurt so bad.

(And just for the record, I didn't cry AT ALL when Kendra and Ryder were born, so this isn't just me being a wimp.)

I sat sobbing while Craig got me some frozen peas for it, and then cried a few more tears while he got a bucket of ice water ready.

Lots of icing and elevating and wrapping ensued, while we watched Moneyball.  And I learned that if you're going to sprain your ankle, you should probably not drink an entire bottle of water first, because standing up numerous times to get to the bathroom kind of sucks.  I woke up the next morning, realized that it hurt to sit with my foot resting on the floor, and decided there was no way I could make it to church.  So I spent the entire day in bed or on the couch while Craig did everything for me and the kids.  He was so nice about it, too-- he suggested we should do this once a month so everyone would appreciate how hard I work normally.

And apparently all that rest WORKED!  Because my ankle is doing MUCH better already today.  It's still sore and swollen, but I can hobble around without too much difficulty, and sitting upright is just fine now.  I think it will only take a few more days of babying it before I'm back to good again.

So in the scheme of things, I lucked out-- it can't be a bad sprain if it's healing this fast, and I'm mostly thankful that I didn't land on my stomach and hurt the baby or something.

So overall I'm thankful.  But feel free to wish me a speedy recovery anyway!

*6+ years of living here, and that was the FIRST time I'd made it to the Freedom Aquatics Center!  How did I miss out all these years?


ugkuyg said...

I sprained my ankle last spring and it was unbelievably painful! I totally understand. I hope it's all healed up soon!

Patrice said...

This is to wish you a speedy recovery!!! Good luck and keep icing!