Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Teach Ye the Children

Recently I keep stumbling across blog posts and conference talks addressing the issue of teaching our children the gospel.  I have to admit that it's not something I focus on very much (other than all the daily life stuff that is part of being Mormon).  And while I'm not one to feel overly guilty about my parenting (or much of anything, truth be told), I did fall asleep last night wondering if I should be doing more in this department.

And then reality smacked me upside the face this morning, as I spent ten minutes arguing with Bentley about why he needed to put on clean underwear.  (This has been our standard policy since FOREVER, by the way.  It's not like this was a new thing!)  This was followed by another ten minutes of Bentley complaining because he's not a robot.  Mind you, this wasn't about him wanting to wear a robot costume or something.  He wants to actually BE a robot.  And the fact that he can't be one (or, as he perceives it, that I won't let him), makes him angry. 

And nothing I said seemed to convince him that a) this isn't possible and b) even if it was, it would still be a terrible idea.

So that's where we are right now.  I'm busy just trying to instill a sense of hygiene and how to be a humanoid.  Hopefully teaching my children to be Christlike can be next on the agenda...


Vangie said...

I can't help but laugh at this post! I think it is so adorable that Bently wants to BE a robot!

Patrice said...

Ah children! They certainly do make life more interesting! I think you teach the gospel far more than you realize.

Liz said...

I love this post. :)

Emily said...

bwah-ha-ha!!! I love it!