Tuesday, January 15, 2013


You know how we all have those things that we do without even noticing that we do them?  Until someone points it out to you, that is, and then it makes you all self-conscious and you wish they had just left you alone with your weirdness.

I have a bunch, apparently.  It wasn't until I was in middle school and people made fun of me that I realized that I never walked.  Instead, my modus operandi was to skip.  EVERYWHERE.  It was like I was incapable of walking!  And if you're an avid skipper, trying to learn to walk like a normal human being when you're in the throes of middle school and hip development and all that fun stuff.  It's really difficult.  Everyone goes through an awkward phase, but I'm pretty sure that mine was even made even more awkward than most as I tried to keep my pace to an even shuffle without bursting out into my usual joyous (but shameful) skipping.  {Shudder.}

It took a mission companion (who didn't particularly like me) asking me accusingly if I "always made noise" every time I swallowed before I realized that I did indeed do just that!  I guess that could be kind of annoying, especially during companionship prayer time.  But in this case, I don't seem to have any control over it, so I refuse to apologize.  There aren't any other ways to swallow, are there???  I blame my overly large tonsils.  And then hope no one else is being grossed out by me.

Some guy once pointed out that when I eat ice cream, I stick my tongue out.  Who knew?  I never paid any attention.  He thought it was sexy, though, so I never bothered to try and break myself of that habit.  (I've also never asked Craig what he thought of it, mostly because if he did think it was creepy, I'd have a whole new thing to try to not do, and who needs that kind of stress when you're simply trying to enjoy a bowl of ice cream???)

Anyway, with this sore ankle, I've noticed yet another one: apparently, whenever I sit down, I do so by tucking one foot (almost always my right foot) under me and then sitting on that foot.  I have no idea why I do this, or when it started.  I hope it doesn't look as weird as it sounds, now that I'm describing it.  (And does it look even worse when I'm at church in a dress??  Yeeks!)

But I can tell you, that when you sit down on a wooden chair onto your sore ankle, IT REALLY HURTS.  And when you do it several times in one day, you begin to question your own intelligence in a big way.

Apparently, it has taken a sprained ankle for me to see how weird I am.

So what weird thing do you do?  I can't be the only one...   Can I?


Nancy said...

This is fun because I can picture you sitting on your foot... so yes, you must always do it. I'm sure I do some weird stuff... I'll think on it.

Erin said...

I suck my tongue or lower lip, not really sure which. Apparently it was my comfort mechanism as a baby. I never realized I did it until I was in fourth grade, and by then it was too stuck as a habit to stop. I have it enough under control that I don't think I usually do it in public, but it always happens as I'm falling asleep (though I've tried to stop, but there really is no way to maintain control of that as you're drifting off) or if I'm totally engrossed in a good book or otherwise not completely self-aware.

I'm sure I have plenty of other weird things, but that's the first to come to mind.

Nancy said...

My brother feels wrinkles. Like the wrinkle in a sheet, or a wrinkle made in pants when you cross your leg and they get bunched up. He has since he was a baby (he's now 40+).

Vangie said...

I love your "weird-ness!" It's what makes you, you!

As for my weird thing - I have a whole SLEW! I laugh really loud. I talk really loud at inappropriate moments (like when everyone else is quiet or at 5 in the morning). Lots of different things.

Glad I'm not alone.

Emily said...

I sit the same way! (Doing it now as I was reading your description, lol) Hope your ankle heals quickly!

Nancy said...

I cover my ear when I sleep at night (it's a hard adjustment in the summer when it's too warm to do this). I hang my toes over the foot of the bed to sleep. I constantly count my fingers (not as much as I used to) when running or just nervous. I'm sure I have more.